Granite is the most often used for stone items in Japan. It is because granite is tough and will be more beautiful after polishing it. It is said that Japanese people have used granite since the Nara period. There are so many stone sculptures using granite in this country. Compared with volcanic tuff, granite does not deteriorate over time.
There are many types of granite all over Japan. The famous granite in Kyoto is Shirakawa stone. Shirakawa stone is produced from Shugakuin area to Mt. Hiei. Beautiful black mica spreads around the surface. Shirakawa stone is relatively harder than other granite and after weathering, the texture becomes quainter.
Granite produced in Okazaki area, Aichi Prefecture, is often used for carving Japanese stone lanterns. There are some lanterns of Okazaki in our garden, too. If you like to order your original design, we could ask skilled stone mason in that area.