Exploring the Charm of Stones: The Warm Texture of Kimachi Stone


ISHIMO’s mission is to convey Japan’s stone culture to people and connect it to the future. In our series, exploring the charm of stones, we introduce various domestic stones handled by ISHIMO. Through stone, take the opportunity to explore Japan’s environment and culture and rediscover its beauty.

On today’s blog, we will be excavating Kimachi stone, uncovering its characteristics and allure!

What is Kimachi stone?
Kimachi is a type of volcanic ash sandstone quarried from the southern shore of Lake Shinji in the Kimachi district of Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture. It is characterized by its soft, warm colors and texture. It is the stone material used for the nationally designated traditional Izumo stone lantern.

A Stone Loved Across Eras 
Kimachi stone has a long history, originally used in stone coffins and burial chambers during the Kofun period, which lasted from 300 AD to 538 AD. From the Kamakura period (1185–1333) onward, it has been widely utilized for stone monuments, stone buddhas, household items like cooking stoves and stone mills, garden stones, and building materials. During the Edo period (1603 to 1867), it became so valuable that the Matsue feudal lord prohibited its export outside the domain. In the late Edo period, Kimachi products such as stone lanterns and guardian dogs gained popularity and spread across the country. As Kimachi enriched the lives and landscapes of many it is celebrated today as the stone material for the nationally designated Izumo stone lantern.

Texture that Harmonizes with Wabi-Sabi Aesthetics
Kimachi is admired for its gentle texture which resembles sandstone. The stone is composed of fine particles, making it soft and easy to manipulate and process, resulting in elegant and refined works fit for any garden or home.

A Rich Brown Warm Expression
When initially excavated, Kimachi has a bluish tint, but it gradually changes to a soft, tasteful brown as it dries. Allowing about a year from extraction to processing enhances the stone’s texture and strength. Even new products can convey an antique feel, easily gathering moss and blending naturally into the environment, making it an ideal stone material for Japanese gardens.

Kimachi Stone is still cherished by many for its rich history and beautiful texture. ISHIMO carefully selects only the most high-quality stone materials from domestic production areas, offering products crafted by traditional artisans and skilled stone masons who continue to practice age-old techniques. We have a variety of Kimachi Stone Jizo statues and lanterns available, so we invite you to take a look at our online shop!

→Kimachi Stone

